Marinette Catholic Central Foundation
The Marinette Catholic Central High School Foundation, Inc. was founded on February 26, 1976 as a corporate foundation organized exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes. The Foundation represents graduates and friends of Our Lady of Lourdes School, Marinette Catholic Central School and St. Thomas Aquinas Academy. The Foundation is a separate organization from St. Thomas Aquinas Academy.
Marinette Catholic Central Foundation’s mission is to assist students in experiencing a Catholic based education with high academic standards. The Foundation is composed of a Board of Directors who oversee the communication with alumni, monitors the finances and investments, and seeks annual support from alumni and friends to continue the tradition of a quality Catholic education for students.

Donations to the Marinette Catholic Central High School Foundation are put in an endowment fund. The goal of this Catholic education fund is to provide continuing and growing resources without depleting the corpus. The affairs of the Foundation are managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Foundation maintains a small office at the school. Calls/inquiries and emails are welcome and are being taken by the President at the phone number and email address listed below. Tours of the school are being given with surprised comments at how great “the old school” looks for being one of the oldest high schools in the state of Wisconsin!
​​What Marinette Catholic Central Foundation Does:
Provides information/methodology to potential donors as to the options available in contributing to the Foundation, e.g. trusts, wills, stocks, etc.
Initiates capital campaigns that provide major financial support for the Foundation and the school.
Communicates with Alumni, benefactors, friends of Our Lady of Lourdes School/Catholic Central High School/Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy via newsletters, phone and email.
Preserves and restores memorabilia and historical information from 1876 to present.
Maintain a current listing of the Alumni.
Supporting class reunions – offering tours, presentations, etc. at the gatherings.
Awards scholarships to worthy students.
Awards Touhey Award to person or persons for their outstanding support of Catholic education
Ways to Assist the Work of the Foundation:
Did you know donations to Marinette Catholic Central High School Foundation may be deducted as an itemized charitable contribution?
That you can donate your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA or retirement plan
Donations of stocks and bonds
Arrangements for planned giving involving: donations of life insurance policies, establishing interest-bearing trusts, bequests via estates/wills
Regular cash donations to the capital campaigns initiated by the Foundation
Donating time to serve on the various committees associated with the Foundation, volunteering to help with projects, etc.
"Pass the hat for your Alma mater” at reunions and make a class contribution
Keeping the work of the Foundation in your daily prayers·
Officers and Directors
President: Mary Kay Selsor
Vice President: Dale Lange
Secretary: Kathy Herning
Treasurer: Howard Sorensen
Marc Kopish
Sue Knapp
Merri Gansebom
Barb Koch
Mary Girard
Mary Woleske