Admissions / Enrollment
The admissions process provides opportunities for you to get to know
Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy and for the school to get to know your student.
Personal tours and shadow days for prospective students are encouraged and easy to schedule.
The annual enrollment process begins in early spring; however, qualified students may begin or transfer to Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy at any time during the school year, space permitting. Please call and schedule a visit today!
A Catholic education is affordable.
New student grants and family discounts are available, along with
Tuition Assistance and competitive scholarships.
We have several programs to assist parents with the investment in your child’s education.
The State of Wisconsin offers a tuition tax credit for families that pay tuition and
the Academy is a participant in the WI Parental Choice (voucher) Program.
Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP)
Application available Feb 1st - Apr 20th, 2024
The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) allows students who reside in a Wisconsin school district, to attend any participating private school tuition free if financial and residential eligibility criteria are met.
The private school, on behalf of the pupil’s parent or guardian, receives a state aid payment for each eligible WPCP student enrolled and attending the private school. This “voucher” covers the tuition of the student attending Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy.
If you live in Wisconsin and your family income qualifies for this program, you may apply for a voucher through the Department of Public Instruction to attend Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy in the 2023-2024 school year.
Once a student is awarded a voucher to attend Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy, that student is eligible to stay in the program each year through grade 12. Residency requirements must be verified each year.
Busing is available at no cost for students who reside within the Marinette and Peshtigo School Districts.
To apply to this program please go to the WI Department of Public Instruction and follow the directions on their website. The parent or guardian needs to complete the online parent application from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and follow all instructions which include providing proof of income and residency to Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy upon completion of the online application.
For more information on the WPCP and Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy’s participation,
please contact the Business Manager at (715) 735-7481 or