Elementary School: PreK3 - 5th grade
Middle School: 6th grade - 8th grade
High School: 9th grade - 12th grade
Our Elementary campus is located at our Peshtigo campus. We offer a comprehensive educational program inclusive of Reading, Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Religion, Music, Art, Physical Education, Keyboarding, Study Skills, and Computer Applications. Students participate in a wide variety of activities and extra-curricular programs to broaden and enrich their personal and social development.
We focus on three cornerstones:
“The Light of Faith” is shared as students participate in weekly liturgies, religious instruction, sacramental opportunities, retreats, and service to our faith communities.
“The Light of Love” is cultivated as our students are immersed in an orderly, safe, and caring environment. Respect for self and others are central elements in each student’s education. Every child is given the opportunity to experience the value of serving others by participating in special class projects and activities which support the parish and local community.
“The Light of Learning” comes from encouraging each child to build a wonder and desire for knowledge through instruction, exploration and creativity. With individual attention that stems from a low student to teacher ratio and enriching curriculum our students are given the effective building blocks for academic success in the future.

Middle School
The Middle School is located at our Marinette campus.
The students receive daily religious instruction and have Physical Education, Art and Music several times each week. Several extracurricular and service activities are open to these grades as well as athletics.
Middle School students receive their education in an orderly, safe, and caring environment. Respect for self and others are central elements in each student’s education. Every child is given the opportunity to experience the values of serving others by participating in special class projects and activities which support the parish and local community.
Students benefit from low student to teacher ratios, highly individualized instruction, modern computer lab, values-based educational programs.
Extra Curricular Activities
Student Council
Service Organizations
Variety Show
Cross Country
Track and Field
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Girls Volleyball
High School
The Academy provides a values-centered atmosphere. This is accomplished by providing a strong academic curriculum and by engaging each student according to their unique strengths and abilities.
Each day begins and ends with prayer. In addition, mass is celebrated weekly. Students, faculty, and staff form a community in which values are nurtured and translated into action. Students participate in service projects that put their faith into practice.
Students benefit from a low student-teacher ratio, full range of extra curricular activities, varsity athletics, highly individualized instruction, and access to programs that address student needs.
The Academy offers college credit in Pre-Calculus, Calculus, English, and Leadership. Many of these classes are held at the High School and are in partnership with Saint Norbert’s College, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Marinette, and NWTC.
Saint Thomas Aquinas students are encouraged to develop all aspects of their character academically, physically, and socially.
High School Clubs and Activities: